Tuesday I had a delicious meal with boyfriend D and friend H and her boy. It was the cutest cuban place with nice little tapas. Really enjoyed it! visit http://www.lacubanita.nl/ to find one near your place.
Together with friend L we celebrated our graduation and birthday. I wore my hippie MNG dress with nice turquoise jewelry. It was a very chill and nice evening with cute lights, candles, music, beerpong, hammocks... and a sweet revanche on our schoolbooks! (burn baby burn!)
Yeah, I finally got my diploma. Afterwards we went home with my boyfriends family and off course my own. My parents suprised me with this beautiful diamond necklace!
A little mini update... I'm busy making my own miu miu look a like leggings and this is the result so far. I will show them later on with outfit and everything...
Yesterday I had my Spanish final, it went really well, but unfortunatly I had to little time and didn't finish properly. Though I made the first part so well I saved my grade. Today I'd history which I was kind of nervous for because there was so much information I had to remember en stuff in my little brain. But it went really well.
My friend also gave me my birthday presents: an 88 pallet and yellow and green nailpolish.. I LOVE IT and immediatly tried a summer sunset look.