Al surfend op het internet - alles om wiskunde te vermijden- vond ik de vriend van Olivia Palermo, je weet wel, perfect gestylde upper class bitch, Johannes Huebl. Ach ja wie gaat er niet een toontje hoger zingen met zulke arm-candy... glad I've got mine ;)
Surfing on the internet - I'll do everything to avoid maths - I found pictures from the love of Olivia Palermo, you know perfect styled upper class bitch, Johannes Huebl. Oh well who wouldn't get cocky having such arm-candy... glad I've got mine ;)
Surfing on the internet - I'll do everything to avoid maths - I found pictures from the love of Olivia Palermo, you know perfect styled upper class bitch, Johannes Huebl. Oh well who wouldn't get cocky having such arm-candy... glad I've got mine ;)

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